50 democratisation , as Schwenk explains . “ We can expect to see organisations do three things ; increase access to consistent and secure data , incentivise data sharing , and make a more concerted effort to put insights into the hands of everyone – rather than just senior decision makers .
“ The move to the cloud has been unstoppable and holds true for data and analytics organisations too , as they utilise its scale , performance , cost effectiveness , and ability to support access to distributed data stores .”
Where human analysis becomes infeasible , the slack is of course taken up by artificial intelligence , although this comes with its own set of risks . “ Predictive models typically don ’ t work well when a critical input datapoint has never occurred ,” says Sommer . “ We saw this in the results of the A-Level exams in England , where an algorithm was used to determine scores , and cemented existing trends while locking out outliers . The lack of governance around the impact of outliers in this case led to many young people from disadvantaged areas initially receiving lower scores .”
Deloitte identifies three aspects enabling insightdriven organisations :
• Culture of ownership - recognising that the power of data is moving to the hands of users
• End user training - change management support must be in place so that target users are committed
• Community of Engagement - effective data management keeps users interested and preserves momentum