AI Magazine February 2021 | Page 49

“ When data is properly visualised , patterns become obvious – helping individuals to draw simple , actionable conclusions ”

— Helena Schwenk , Market Intelligence Lead , Exasol
exploded in mainstream news , and has driven policy in most countries . Just think of “ flatten the curve ”. General audiences pored over data in sources like ECDC , Financial Times and Our World in Data . There has been a massive up-leveling in the conversation about data ”. He cautions , however , that data is open to interpretation and getting to the heart of the matter requires debate . “ We ’ ll also need to start building frameworks of agreeing on the common ground – and work on an etiquette for intellectual honesty in debating data . If we can get that ironed out , it will bring in millions more on the journey toward data literacy .”
Going forwards , the evolution of data analysis platforms is sure to be impacted by experiences of the pandemic , not least the rapid uptake of cloud solutions . “ Where once there was reticence to investing heavily in cloud and other as-a-service solutions , now many are embracing the approach , benefiting from its scalability and elasticity , as well as the fast access to the likes of augmented analytics ”, says Sommer . “ This trend is going to continue , with a greater migration of databases and applications from on-premises , legacy infrastructure to cloud environments . In turn , this will drive a need for technologies that can access , move and harmonise data from multiple places .” Cloud adoption , therefore , is a catalyst for even more data
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