AI Magazine May 2024 | Page 63

When it comes to the future , Khaled believes that AI will be a valuable tool . “ I think AI is definitely something that everyone needs to capitalise on . It ’ s going to empower and accelerate and create more efficiencies across the board , but it will also enable new product lines .”
With personalisation being a key driver of CX , AI will have a key part to play in providing better experiences . He explains “ Personalisation has always been a difficult one for people to truly get . I think AI can really drive the agenda when it comes to hyper-personalisation . It can allow services to be offered pretty much on demand as and when .
“ I think if we get together as an industry to really harness the capabilities and fine tune it , I think we ’ ll all be better for it ,” Khaled concludes . “ AI is definitely the biggest innovation right now and the biggest trend that we all need to get behind .” aimagazine . com 63