35 lighting distractions and background audience noise .”
The practice of digital twins , replicating real world infrastructure in the digital space , is also gaining traction , as Joshi emphasises . “ Businesses able to seize the opportunities created by digital twins can improve their predictive powers while reducing cost of service . As we continue into 2021 , more organisations will therefore turn to digital twins of their supply chains to better prepare for unexpected shocks and to build an intelligent and resilient ecosystem . However , with the increase of real-time data from rapid digitisation , I expect to see digital twins used not just in supply chains and manufacturing , but throughout all modern businesses .”
And according to Taal , developing digital workforce skills means a concrete advantage in the hiring space . “ In fact , when choosing between two similarly qualified job candidates , 73 % of executives surveyed by UiPath said they would pick the candidate with more experience with automation and AI tools , even if the role does not require those abilities .” aimagazine . com