AI Magazine August 2021 | Page 93


“Mature organisations are starting to change their strategies and tactics in how they organise their data people and how they build their data science platforms ”

So how is data science changing and why ? David Semach , Partner and EMEA Head of AI and Automation at Infosys Consulting says he believes there will also be a huge move towards using the combination of AI and data science to make predictions for the future .
“ This will enable business leaders to make informed decisions based on much more data than they ever have before . In Fortune 500 companies , when senior executives make decisions , it has typically been based on past events within the company , plus some manual forecasting on what might happen next . With data sets going back years , it ’ s only possible to really leverage all of this data with data science and machine learning as a helping hand .”
There are other changes afoot in the industry , according to Andrew Morgan , Director of Data at 6point6 and author of ‘ Mastering Spark for Data Science , which he thinks indicates we are moving into a new era for the science .
“ Mature organisations are starting to change their strategies and tactics in how they organise their data people and how they build their data science platforms . The first new trend we see is the merger of data science teams with general data analytics teams , into larger organisations focussed on Data Enablement .
The second is a move to investing in technologies that incorporate data engineering best practices to help Data Scientists meet a rising tide of AI industrialisation expectations . The third is that data scientist teams are migrating to the cloud , and to move this along , they are engaging third party suppliers , often for the first time ,” he says . aimagazine . com 93