Data Science
has to be managed and processed into a suitable format to get any useful insights and , as it stands , the whole model can become inefficient and costly . With edge analytics , organisations can let the model lead the process , rather than analysing the data in order to build the model . With the processing happening at the edge , where data is created and consumed , this can bring huge efficiency gains and reduce costs in the long run ”. Sukumar gives Tesla as an example . “ The car is collecting vast amounts of real-time data , so the most efficient way to analyse this is to build a model and enable all the actions to happen there directly , rather than retrieving the data , sorting it and then pushing it back to the car .”
Sukumar goes on to suggest some of the fastest growing data science trends for this year and beyond . One is Deepfake video and audio , which use AI to manipulate or create content to represent someone else , with images or audio modified to someone else ’ s likeness or sound . He says there is huge scope for this to be used maliciously via what is known as ‘ voice phishing ,’ which could be used against individuals such as politicians . Because of this threat , governments are starting to look at legislation and social media regulation to defend against this , along with technology that can identify deepfake videos .
Additionally , there is increased demand for end-to-end AI solutions . For example , Dataiku , a start up of which Google bought a stake . It helps enterprise customers clean their large data sets and build machine learning models . This way , big companies like General Electric and Unilever can gain deep learning and valuable insights from their massive amounts of data , as well as automate important data management tasks .
Data Science
The term “ data science ” has been traced back to 1974 , when Peter Naur proposed it as an alternative name for computer science . In 1996 , the International Federation of Classification Societies became the first conference to specifically feature data science as a topic .
92 August 2021