AI Magazine September 2024 | Page 20

Maxime Vermeir adds : “ It ’ s been a great journey partnering with Arsenal and thinking of the ways we can use our capabilities that we have to provide guidance and education in the community about what AI is , how it works and where it is going .
“ For example , previously , we have been able to work with other organisations to bring in ABBYY technology to take care of administrative tasks so that teams could spend extra time within the community .”
Championing women is a clear priority for ABBYY and it seeks to reflect this within its culture .
“ It ’ s always been important to have a large percentage of women within our organisation ,” Ulf highlights . “ We want to be a place where an employee has the opportunity to grow and , frankly , that ties very well into the culture at Arsenal Women .
“ We really want to be an equal opportunity employer and I think that is how we are seen as well , I think both internally and externally . It ’ s just who we are as a company .”
Keeping AI equitable in today ’ s world When it comes to eliminating bias within its AI models , Ulf says : “ We ’ re very careful that ABBYY ’ s models are built in an ethically correct way and without bias . It ’ s very important for us to be able to say that our models are auditable , creditable and the origins of the data can be traced .”
More broadly , as AI has boomed in popularity , it has started to be applied in situations where it is not needed – particularly within business contexts , as Maxime explains .
20 September 2024