Now , McQuire takes a keen interest in how AI and other disruptive technologies could transform his own life as the healthcare industry continues to improve with the introduction of automation .
“ I am looking forward to the arrival of an autonomous system powered by AI for diabetics in the future – a closed-loop robotic pancreas , if you like . It will span real-time glucose monitoring to insulin injection and will be a system that has learned my patterns of living , has the ability to predict and alert me to future states , and , above all , can co-reason with me on decision making . At the moment , we have elements of this picture , but the technology and suppliers are not there in connecting all the dots . But we are heading in this direction quickly – can ’ t wait ,” notes McQuire .
For his work in technology and AI , McQuire has been named among the top technology analysts in the world and , as a leader in the field , he draws inspiration from his own mentors to support others .
“ The biggest thing that I have reacted to in a great leader is the ability to inspire and create conditions for me to produce my best work . I remember someone mentioning to me a while ago , ‘ There are many companies grossly over-managed and severely under-led ’, which I think sums it up nicely . Whilst I am by no means an expert in this area , I have always kept these elements in my mind over the years from some of my great leaders , managers , and mentors in the past ,” explains McQuire .
Equally , McQuire knows the importance of sharing his own lessons learned : “ One thing I have learned throughout my career is that change is positive , even though I myself have been fearful of it . At Microsoft , we are encouraged to become comfortable with change . If I were to start again , I would advise to step outside of my comfort zone more , not to fear rejection and do so elevating learning or being a ‘ learn it all ’, above everything .”
Keen to support others in all aspects of life , McQuire works as a mentor for aspiring early career individuals
18 October 2022