AI Magazine October 2021 | Page 91

Gilder says , “ one of the aspects of inclusion is inclusive leadership and that comes with an element of empathy . In order to enable empathy in your organisation , you have to listen to your employees ”.
Technology and AI applications Day two of Technology , AI & Cyber LIVE brought together some interesting examples of how digital transformation impacts various sectors , including discussions on applications in the online vehicle auction business , uses for clinical research , and data management in the British Army .
Brigadier Stefan Crossfields , Chief Data Officer for the British Army , entered the stage and divulged some of the ways the Army is actively transforming the organisation ’ s legacy systems to take on challenges specific to the modern era of the military . He also explains how technology has helped the Army to manage a reduced level of recruitment and encourage partnerships with small-tomedium enterprises .
Meanwhile in the second stage , Rajiv Peter , Director Of Digital Technology at Notting Hill Genesis ( NHG ), delves into the application of its operations system , which has been custom-built specifically for the social landlord . “ Our main mission is to house low-income families ”, says Peter . He discusses how the company invested in technology to improve its operations , by creating a single system that is optimised for its employees . “ At that time , the view was that technology was a cost centre , similar to electricity or gas , where you go for the cheapest vendor or provider to
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