Data boom
Supercharged interest “ In recent years , the need to become more intelligent , relevant , efficient organisations has given rise to significant investment in data and advanced analytics ,” he says . “ We understand that , if data is the raw ingredient , we need to dynamically turn this into insight and wisdom to support decision makers .
“ This has supercharged interest in data science and AI and has led to an increase in organisations looking to create data strategies that deliver ( and in some cases , define ) their forward-looking business objectives . In practical terms , this is to create significant change programmes badged under anything from digital transformation to data-driven strategy , which are intended to create more dataenabled business models .
“ The broadening of the remit of data and analytics is driving a growth in data science teams . However , there can be technical and cultural barriers that are hampering the ability for organisations to realise the value of data and analytics .
“ Fundamentally , as a data scientist I can build the best model in the world – but if I can ’ t get someone in the business to change their behaviours to use the insight I ’ m generating , or if there are technical challenges that mean I can ’ t deploy my model in a repeatable way , then it stays as a beautifully crafted piece of code on a laptop .
“ To overcome the cultural challenges , we ’ ve seen an increased focus on data literacy programmes and the design of analytic workflows that put value and change at the heart of analytic initiatives . The need to deploy data and analytic outputs has seen significant increase in the need for data engineering teams who
Data boom
Volume of data created , captured , copied and consumed worldwide from 2010 to 2025 in zettabytes . Forecasts are estimated .
2010 2 2011 5 2012 6.5 2013 9 2014 12.5 2015 15.5 2016 18 2017 26 2018 33 2019 41 2020 64.2 2021 79 2022 97 2023 120 2024 147 2025 181
Source : Statista aimagazine . com 67