“ We ' re really excited with the advancements that we ' ve been able to make , in particular with companies like Dell and NVIDIA , who are hardware partners that allow us to provide not only sustainable colocation services but the latest in high-performance hardware for our customers ”
“ We ' re really excited with the advancements that we ' ve been able to make , in particular with companies like Dell and NVIDIA , who are hardware partners that allow us to provide not only sustainable colocation services but the latest in high-performance hardware for our customers ”
that allow our customers to be creative and be flexible . An example of that would be working with Dell ,” says Tate .
He continues , “ Dell is often one of the first OEM providers to take on new products . For example , we had a customer who is at the forefront of using GPU ' s to power the latest in financial services applications . And this customer wanted to be the first in Europe to take advantage of the new A100 chipsets that NVIDIA released over the last year . And Dell was one of the first OEMs that was able to provide a solution to them , and it came months earlier than some of the other products that were next available in the market .
“ That ' s really important for our customers . They ' re focused on high-intensity computing , and they ' re focused on it because having a competitive edge in their industry is what allows them to have an increased turnover and increased productivity . And so , through our partnerships , we are enabling our customers to be at the forefront of the competitive landscape and to maximise their returns .”
NVIDIA : High-Intensity Computing of the Highest Level Verne Global ’ s partnership with NVIDIA is yet another differentiator that provides its clients with a competitive advantage .
Verne Global was the first data centre in Europe to be approved to house NVIDIA ’ s DGX product , a line of servers and workstations specialised in using GPGPUs to advance deep learning applications . Tate puts it more simply , “ DGX is NVIDIA compressing all of its technology into a single box that ' s super high intensity .
“ You talk about high-intensity computing . This is the epitome of that ,” Tate claims . However , putting that much horsepower into a single box means that it ’ s not just any data centre that has the ability to provide the environmental conditions necessary to be able to run the equipment .
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