AI Magazine May 2024 | Page 57

“ We ’ re now a team of over 40 , and we will probably end up at 50 by the end of the year . With that comes the empowerment to actually drive and shape the team , which is an immense privilege ”
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“ We ’ re now a team of over 40 , and we will probably end up at 50 by the end of the year . With that comes the empowerment to actually drive and shape the team , which is an immense privilege ”
ABDUL KHALED HEAD OF DIGITAL AND CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE , E . ON NEXT or someone on the phone lines talking to customers ?”
Aiming to answer these questions is E . ON Next ’ s CX enablement programme . “ We ’ re really trying to implement how we enable the organisation to have not only the skills , the tools and the processes , but the overall strategy and the blueprint to drive a customer experience initiative ,” Khaled explains . “ And that starts with culture .”
When it comes to E . ON Next ’ s strategy , Khaled explains that it boils down to three topics : transparency , personalisation and simplicity . aimagazine . com 57