AI Magazine May 2024 | Page 29

Daphne Koller : AI should not seek to replicate human cognition

Likewise , at an event in San Francisco in 2023 , Daphne said : “ We need to create systems that are trained using reinforcement learning on not just any people , but on students who are in the process of learning .” insitro aims to bring together highquality data from humans , whilst also developing cutting-edge methods that can produce large amounts of in vitro data relevant to human disease and therapeutic interventions .
Daphne explains how AI and quantitative biology are merging to create digital biology , a pioneering field , saying : “ This is the ability to read the biology digitally at this incredible fidelity at an unprecedented scale , interpret what we see using tools such as machine learning and AI , and then write biology using techniques like CRISPR and combinatorial chemistry , and all sorts of other things to make biology do things that it wouldn ' t otherwise do ."
This new area will have “ repercussions in human health , but also in the environment , in energy , in bio-materials , and sustainable agriculture , and many other disciplines that will help make our world a better place , which is why I think it ' s a really exciting place to be .”
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