AI Magazine May 2024 | Page 117

As a result of Atos ’ solution , the theme park operator has been able to eliminate inefficient preventive maintenance and carry out more highly targeted predictive maintenance , leading to less downtime , lower costs and happier visitors .
“ By having the right data management , AI and everything , you can predict failures . If you predict failures , the ride is available for more people , and the customer is happy .”
Atos ’ vision for the future of Edge Looking ahead , Atos envisions a future where edge technologies blur the distinction between operational technology ( OT ) and information technology ( IT ). Langer foresees a landscape where edge devices resemble smartphones in their ease of use and integration , and as a result democratising data access and analytics .
“ One part of our vision is how we can automate the whole ecosystem . We ’ re already working with partners on automating the onboarding of devices , similar to when you switch a smartphone to the newer model , where you input a username and password and it gets all your data , contacts and applications .”
As Langer describes , Atos also aims to bridge the gap between OT and IT . “ I ’ ve heard customers , who were really on the OT side , telling me that our solution seems very IT heavy . In OT , usually you don ’ t run software updates . You install some equipment and 15 years later you change it , but in the meantime , no one connects to it .
“ We are getting to a point where that piece of equipment can run for 15 years , but we need to extract data from it . The more we are going to evolve at the edge , the more previously isolated and protected devices and data will become connected and smarter .” aimagazine . com 117