AI Magazine March 2024 | Page 61


“ Today you are designing the new era of computing . While you are working , you are designing ”

Harnessing technology and AI : The importance of skills development The importance of skills development is essential , in line with the skills gap perforating through numerous key industries . Working to close the skills gap has been the priority of plenty of technology companies .
IBM has been working consistently to facilitate upskilling , particularly in the realm of technology and AI . In fact , the company pledged in 2021 to reskill 30 million people worldwide by 2030 . A part of this commitment was launching SkillsBuild : IBM ’ s online platform with more than 1,000 courses covering AI , cybersecurity , data science , cloud and software development .
“ We are already doing a lot of work to try to enable universities and schools to teach the right skills to enable people ,” Curioni says .
“ When it comes to skills we are going to do more . We have a vision that AI , in order to be really responsible and transparent ,
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