AI Magazine March 2024 | Page 108


“ The power densities in data centres will continue to increase , thanks in part to current trends such as AI ”

conscious when choosing the likes of planners and contractors from outside the business to ensure that its green data centre DNA philosophy is understood and respected .
Stumm says , especially when it comes to working with those who have a similar ESG mindset , collaboration feels more like a true partnership .
“ These collaborations jointly establish the most sustainable solutions which ultimately benefit both our customers and DATA CASTLE – and frankly speaking , makes our work lots of fun ,” he shares .
“ When it comes to AI , we are well aware of the workloads which are known to be very power-hungry . However , this does not prevent us from searching for and utilising innovative data centre designs and technologies that support customers , and us , running AI workloads and infrastructures as efficiently as possible .”
This is but another way DATA CASTLE sees its business growing – by making the most of the wider industry to inform and help curate its next steps .
Looking back , Dr Stief adds : “ Our growth journey has been very , very fast already . Eighteen months from now , we will be in a very mature status of the construction of the data centres . We will have already leased the data centres to our customers and are in negotiations and have new projects in the pipeline , so we will see DATA CASTLE expand to other locations , but also within Frankfurt and Berlin .”
This is no mean feat , as the team , especially Pohl , emphasises . Looking ahead , Pohl sees challenges looming on the horizon , which he intends to tackle head-on .
“ The power densities in data centres will continue to increase , thanks in part to current trends such as AI . As we expand , we will also have to address issues such as environmental protection , sustainability , stricter legal requirements and power shortages at some locations . Price increases in the construction and operation of data centres are also current and future challenges that all data centre operators will have to face .”
Laser focused on seeing existing projects maturing and growing its team to keep up with this outlook , Dr Stief is also excited by how DATA CASTLE ’ s technology will improve as a result .
“ We can always improve ,” he says , acknowledging that there is no room to stand still . And DATA CASTLE ’ s growth may not be limited to just operating in Germany . “ Germany will probably not be the end of our journey ,” he says coyly , not giving too many future plans away .
“ We are very aware that we need to do everything step by step because we want to do this properly , therefore we ’ re starting solely with Germany . The next step , the one which makes the most sense , is expanding to German-speaking countries .
“ The rest of the team is very hungry and we want to do more .” 108 March 2024