“ We are specifically catering to this fastest-growing segment within the tech sector ”
us with cooling technologies . We ' ve tried several solutions in cooling , and when it comes to natural airflow cooling , Systemair and Subzero have proven to be the most reliable providers .”
Like all companies worldwide , atNorth has had to reckon with the ongoing COVID- 19 pandemic . “ Last year we needed to adapt to a new reality and we will continue to do so . For us , this has meant finding new ways of providing the services we do . Strict travel restrictions meant that we needed to find new ways of meeting with our potential and existing customers , who rely on us to service the equipment they host with us .” Kristinsson expects some of the changes the pandemic has wrought to become permanent fixtures . “ I think it ’ s strengthened the relationship that we have with our customers . I doubt that many will revert to the old mode of flying in their own technicians . I ' m sure that the pandemic has imposed irreversible changes on our business - both in terms of customer service but also how we approach our customers .”
Partly to thank for its resistance to the pandemic is the culture present at the organisation . “ I like to empower my employees and listen very carefully to everyone ' s ideas and thoughts ,” says
34 June 2021