5 SEATTLE , US Microsoft tackles AI threat via GitHub
Microsoft , traditionally one of the more protective Big Tech companies , has released an open-source tool on GitHub to prevent cyberattacks against AI systems . In a statement , the company said : “ This tool is part of broader efforts at Microsoft to empower engineers to securely develop and deploy AI systems .”
1 UNITED STATES Global AI talent
A new AI study says the US has almost 40 % of the global AI talent , while Israel and Singapore have the highest scores for AI workforce and talent development from a tertiary education perspective . Countries such as Germany , the US , and Canada have been able to attract new AI talent into their economies over the last few years , while China , Israel , and Singapore have been unable to retain and grow their talent pools .
A report from the NHS AI Lab has found diagnostics is the most popular area for AI in health and care , followed by remote monitoring , triage and population health . The authors conceded that AI products were far from mature , with almost 90 per cent of respondents suggesting large-scale use was five years away .
12 June 2021