AI Magazine February 2021 | Page 88


Chief Technology Officer Ola Reppling discusses how Clear Channel International ’ s ongoing digital transformation is enabled by its culture


O la Reppling holds the role of Chief Technology Officer at Clear Channel International , an out of home advertising and infrastructure business . The company has a heritage dating back over a century , and has a bold vision to create the future of media .

“ We have 17 different markets in Europe ,” says Reppling . “ For over 100 years , we ’ ve been helping brands meet people on the move . As a result , the culture is very customer-driven and focuses on solving customer problems .”
In recent times , the aim has been to combine that heritage and experience with new technology into a cohesive whole . A large part of this is to integrate Clear Channel International ’ s markets together , as Reppling explains , “ we ’ re bringing all territories together as a single cohesive team , with a shared vision , purpose and mission .”
As CTO , much of Reppling ’ s work has been in enabling that transition and unification , to place more integrated processing at Clear Channel ’ s core . One of the ways Reppling is doing this is by partnering with companies such as network solution