CEO , co-founder , Affectiva
TOP 10
Passenger : Timmy
Child , 3-10 Seat : 3 Emotion : Joy Drowsiness : Awake
Passenger : Bill
Adult , 36-55 Seat : 2 Emotion : Joy Drowsiness : Awake
Driver : Jenn
Adult , 36-55 Seat : 1 Emotion : Joy Drowsiness : Awake Distraction : Alert
Rana el Kaliouby
CEO , co-founder , Affectiva
Affectiva was co-founded by two women : Rana el Kaliouby and Rosalind Picard . El Kaliouby is a specialist in Emotion AI and , with Affectiva , has turned her attention to Human Perception AI . Highly decorated in the tech world , she has a PhD from the University of Cambridge and a postdoc from MIT . Affectiva ’ s proposition is to recognise emotional expressions beyond the wildly theatrical gurnings of common moods , and to apply the ability to register subtle muscular movements and other facial tells to deduce the likely emotions of mental health patients and autistic people . She has written a book called Girl Decoded : A scientist ’ s quest to reclaim humanity by bringing emotional intelligence to technology . FEBRUARY 2021