SAP ’ s Lars Friedrich , Andreas Spahn and Maria Fay on the balance between innovation and structure powering its approach to digital transformation
AP ’ s regional customer success team - Lars Friedrich , Andreas Spahn and Maria Fay - takes care of innovations in strategic customer engagements for middle and eastern Europe .
Friedrich has a musical analogy for what the team set out to achieve : “ We act as innovation brokers , and we look upon the incubation and innovation team as a Jazz combo . We help customers to become digital sprinters and build sound innovation capabilities with the power of SAP ’ s innovation ecosystem
“ From a Jazz point of view , it ’ s about bringing the tracks together to build up a full song at the end . That ’ s what we encourage our customers to do - finding the right beat to adopt innovation phase by phase and step by step .” That musical metaphor also underlies the philosophy that they believe companies must adopt to achieve digital transformation . “ It ’ s not just about KPIs , but rather the whole symphony . You can ’ t simply use technology to make every process perfect , but you can make sure that everything that you do inside of the process makes sense . And then , once the process has been properly structured and the people are enabled , the technology can come in .”