AI Magazine December 2023 | Page 5


Transforming patient outcomes through IoT in healthcare In today ’ s increasingly digital world , IoT devices are revolutionising healthcare monitoring , resulting in the empowerment of both patients and providers

“ IoT continues to reward the healthcare industry by providing better patient outcomes for all ”

The Internet of Things ( IoT ) is on the cusp of completely revolutionising the way healthcare professionals work , and , should it achieve its maximum potential , will inherently change every aspect of our lives .
This disruptive transformation is particularly apparent in the healthcare industry , which has long relied on pen and paper as the primary method for documenting patient data . However , all over the world , it seems healthcare technology is undergoing some significant changes .
The gradual integration of IoT in healthcare brings with it a multitude of benefits , not only just to patients , but to their families , healthcare experts , and medical institutions too . From remote monitoring and increased patient engagement to the overall improvement of data accuracy , IoT continues to reward the healthcare industry by providing better patient outcomes for all .
KATY ALLAN katy . allan @ bizclikmedia . com © 2023 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED aimagazine . com 5