AI Magazine August 2023 | Page 22


“ I think AI is going to transform every industry . I think it ' s going to be a transformative technology , and I think in the same way that electricity transformed every industry , AI is going to do the same ”

The impact of Ng ' s vision for democratising AI education cannot be overstated . By removing geographical and financial barriers , Coursera empowered individuals from all walks of life to gain proficiency in AI . Ng ' s efforts to instil ethics and responsibility within the AI community have sparked vital conversations and influenced the direction of AI policy . His advocacy has fostered a greater awareness of the societal implications of AI and motivated researchers and practitioners to adopt ethical frameworks that prioritise transparency , accountability and fairness .
Ng ' s contributions reverberate throughout the AI landscape . His pioneering work in deep learning has propelled AI to new heights , enabling breakthroughs in image and speech recognition , natural language processing , and autonomous vehicles . By equipping individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the AI era , Ng has facilitated a seismic

How AI Could Empower Any Business Andrew Ng | TED

22 August 2023