AI Magazine August 2022 | Page 3


Is it possible for humans to have truly meaningful conversations with robots ? From chatbots to automated call services , AI is changing the way we interact with each other . But , how meaningful are these conversations really ?

“ By asking deeper questions and creating a shared understanding through conversation , we can create a powerful conduit for transformation ”

Isolation and loneliness were two very prevalent themes of 2020 , even extending into 2021 and beyond . COVID-19 , a period defined by strict lockdowns and work-from-home mandates , heightened people ’ s desires for meaningful conversations – particularly as embraces from friends and family turned to Zoom calls and waves through a closed window .
The World Economic Forum believes that meaningful conversations are crucial , helping create bonds of trust that can lead to collective action . By asking deeper questions and creating a shared understanding through conversation , we can create a powerful conduit for transformation .
But is it possible for us to have these meaningful conversations with machines ?
In this issue , I speak to Sophia the Robot about her experiences as a female robot , touching on important diversity issues ; together , we are opening a platform for these issues to be discussed in a meaningful way .
Although some believe we will never be able to meaningfully converse with a robot , it doesn ’ t stop us from having beneficial relationships with them .
Conversations are , by nature , very personal to those involved , so whether it is meaningful or not could be down to the individual to decide …
CATHERINE GRAY catherine . gray @ bizclikmedia . com © 2022 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED aimagazine . com 3