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Ascent was founded in Tokyo in 2016 and delivers scalable and dynamic software for machine autonomy . It also works in research and development in Artificial Intelligence and simulation . It ’ s first advanced robotics grasping product is a software-based AI system that enables object manipulation in any type of environment . It also develops autonomous systems for mobility applications , using a combination of advanced simulation and real-life data .
Ascent ' s first robotics grasping product is a softwarebased AI system
Osaro focuses on AI for industrial-scale automation , building the technology for factories , warehouses and logistics systems . It was founded to build the technology and products that make robots smarter and to lead in practical revenue-generating applications . The company brings together advanced machine learning for visual perception and powerful control software for object manipulation , its software also leverages flexible and scalable intelligence that adapts to customer-specific use cases .
98 August 2021