AI Magazine August 2021 | Page 37

Orion Exploration Flight Test ( EFT ) - 1
NASA right out of the gate . We need to be the instigators . We must align .”
Whether internally or working with partners , Thompson sees this “ alignment opportunity ” as a way to stop multiple parties working independently on what is , essentially , the same problem , instead coming together and achieving more . “ Maybe it ’ s smart procurement , maybe it ’ s smart designs , maybe it ’ s the future of work . And what does NASA look like in a hybrid environment where we have a virtual presence and a physical presence onsite ? What does that experience look like from the user perspective ? Is it cumbersome ? We ’ re thinking about these things and how they interoperate and interconnect . We ’ re thinking there is a time – we ’ re not sure when yet – where this group is , everything this group does , is just naturally , organically flowing with everything we do .”
That ’ s not to say NASA doesn ’ t have some timelines in mind . Thompson thinks there are milestones that are “ absolutely doable ” in three to five years . “ I see a world where we have online systems that can tell us how all of our projects are working , how everything is integrated and interconnected , how we have real time access to a decision lens for project reviews , for safety reviews , for performance reviews . Everything we do . It ’ s very integrated .”

“We ’ re successful when everything the IT shop does is baked into everything ”

It ’ s an ambitious deadline given a “ paper mentality ” still exists in pockets of NASA . But Thompson thinks breaking down barriers , moving away from the mail code system and introducing a culture of collaboration and “ a single source of truth ” is entirely possible within the timeframe .
“ I ’ m seeing a modern , immersive world ,” Thompson says , “ that can use our technology . It ’ s crossing the barriers . We need to open with transparency that has the right controls and security around them , but that information has been liberated across the organisation and is accessible and absolutely helps with our hindsight , insight and foresight . At that point , we ’ re ready to answer all the questions .”
RON THOMPSON CDO , NASA aimagazine . com 37