FOREWORD GPT-4 ’ s novel new features for big business are a real turn up for the book
OpenAI ’ s GPT-4 is here , and it ’ s already helping bigname companies like Morgan Stanley and Stripe with its incredible new features and abilities
“ OpenAI ’ s GPT-4 now offers an extraordinary 25,000-word capacity – for reference , that limit is around the same wordcount as The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest
Hemingway ”
As GPT-4 emerges from the shadows with its own take on “ Hello , World !”, it ’ s hard not to be impressed by OpenAI ’ s new GPT offering .
The new model now offers an extraordinary 25,000- word capacity – for reference , that limit is around the same wordcount as The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway and only slightly less than George Orwell ’ s Animal Farm or John Steinbeck ’ s Of Mice and Men .
Morgan Stanley already harnesses GPT-4 to tap into its vast content library , while Stripe utilises this innovative AI model to accelerate workflows and identify valuable applications . GPT-4 ' s groundbreaking capabilities include enhanced creativity , image input , extended text handling , and improved problem-solving .
This issue is a testament to the transformative power of AI , particularly GPT-4 , in revolutionising industries and shaping the future of business . Join us as we embark on a journey through the AI landscape , bringing you expert analysis , in-depth discussions , and a closer look at the technology that is redefining the way we live and work .
MARCUS LAW marcus . law @ bizclikmedia . com © 2023 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED aimagazine . com 7