AI Magazine April 2023 | Page 58



Great Retention
WATCH NOW under increasing scrutiny . It is no longer sufficient to continue meeting demand - providers need to do so in a way that is sustainable . Otherwise , their customer retention figures will quickly plummet . That ’ s where AI comes in . “ The intelligent data centre is about being smart and maximising computing resources ; it ’ s also about going green ,” says Jun .
“ It provides high-quality and highefficiency computing power that is proportionally much higher than traditional data centres , but also focuses on reducing carbon emissions and reducing energy consumption . It ’ s the balance needed for our digital future and our digital economy .”
DE & I and future-proofing the industry According to research undertaken by Equinix , 62 % of global IT decisionmakers see a shortage of personnel with IT skills as one of the primary threats to their business .
58 April 2023