The transformative potential of AI technology is being increasingly recognised by the data centre industry . In fact , it is widely anticipated to be one of the industry ’ s biggest areas of investment over the next few years .
According to a recent report published by CoreSite - Artificial Intelligence : Charting the Way Forward for AI : 2022 Survey of IT Leaders and Service Providers on AI Deployment - AI usage is expected to accelerate rapidly .
In fact , researchers found that , over the next five years , a staggering 82 % of respondents expect their company ’ s use of AI to increase . What ’ s more , no respondents anticipated that their company ’ s use of AI or ML would decrease .
Within the report , two of the leading benefits for service providers of using AI - as selected by respondents - were improving customer experience ( CX ) and limiting churn ( 40 %), and driving innovation and revenue for new business ( 37 %). So , how can we expect to see those benefits realised in the context of the data centre industry ?
The era of the intelligent data centre In order to successfully accomodate the rise of AI , big data , IoT , robotics and the metaverse , the world ’ s data centres are being required to expand at a phenomenal pace . “ We need to start replacing traditional computing power with intelligent computing power to handle modern computing scenarios ,” urges Liu Jun , Vice President and GM of AI and HPC at Inspur Information .
54 April 2023