AI Magazine April 2023 | Page 47

BELL FINANCE sure that we had a process in place for them to ask someone for help . We need our CoE as their first-line of support .
“ At the core of all of this is easily accessible , curated and centralised data .” For such a transformation , then , the Centre of Excellence was necessary . This Centre of Excellence then had to be formed with systems in place that would sustain it – so that it could then go about forming the transformational process that would feedback into its own operations , like an organisational form of M . C Escher ’ s ‘ drawing hands ’.
Essentially , the point is that the systems in place are open-ended and ever-adaptive to change – a necessary requirement for an effective transformation to take place . But , of course , such a program is no easy feat , to say the least . As part of the CoE , both MacEwen and Kirsten acknowledge that , early on , one of the challenges that arose stemmed from attempting to tackle too much at once and “ biting off more than we could chew ”, which they both emphasise .
MacEwen says : “ One of the things that we learned was to take a more agile approach and to work on smaller developments that we iterate on – and then to build out from there – versus trying to do more big-bang developments from the outset .”
Kirsten adds : “ And you should never underestimate the amount of time testing and training of users will take . The endusers sitting in the finance organisation are so critical to adoption ,” – ( the crucial user-

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