AI Magazine April 2022 | Page 98

Jag , can you tell us about AIOPS . D , and why enterprises are taking a fervent interest in the integration of AI and operations ? First – it ’ s certainly an exciting time for AI as we emerge from COVID . In the last few years , enterprises have seen the biggest disruptions in the way that they work – resilient enterprises are now elevating the importance of decision support whether it is conventional or remote work . Data management and optimal decisions , and responses , are becoming more complex , while asking the person next to you may not be a workplace staple of the future .
Taking a holistic view of the enterprise – across enterprise application landscapes and business processes , and I say this with deep understanding and empathy of the nuances and complexities – organisations at large , historically , are only incrementally evolving , regardless of organisation vision or goals . Operations , and the workforce , are still laden with manual processes , manual tasks , and a heavy reliance on human integration to understand and solve for data gathering , understanding , and process completion . Automation rose in the last half-decade to tackle specific tasks and use cases , not the entire end-to-end process – the span for improvement to close the gap to human support remains wide .
For example , for some enterprises , digitization is limited to manually-managed email – many employee actions and requests are done through the inbox . How do you know what to tackle first ? How do you know what is the correct optimisation of your immediate time and priorities ?
These kinds of questions , which require true , actionable intelligence , are why we had to think through the detailed design that goes into creating the AIOPS . D autonomous process assets , in the form of unique yet integrated à la carte microservices . We ’ re fundamentally changing the way our clients conduct business - we want them to achieve true autonomous operations via microservices , which are essentially the ‘ digital assistants ’ that will run the enterprise .
Our vision around creating these autonomous process assets is built on four main foundations :
1 . Autonomous Operations , with less human intervention in end-to-end business processes
2 . Rules-based Touchless Transactions , where human decision-making is supported and focused on exceptions
3 . Full Ecosystem Orchestration , with no ERP left behind
4 . A focus on Human-Centred Work , by redesigning work and the workforce experience to focus on high-value , high-impact actions and decisions

“ It ’ s 2022 – the need to do everything by hand , by document , is coming to an end , and the companies that do not capitalize , this will impact their workforce experience , recruiting and retention ”

98 April 2022