Abu Dhabi ’ s Department for Health
Abu Dhabi ’ s Department for Health
In 2019 , Abu Dhabi ’ s Department for Health launched the Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) Lab , a first-ofits-kind initiative by a healthcare regulator in the region . The AI Lab fosters a culture of innovation and inspires cross-industrial collaboration in the healthcare sector . It is a safe platform of co-creation where DoH as a regulator can collaborate with service providers , insurance payers and technology companies to develop , test , and launch stateof-the-art healthcare solutions powered by emerging technologies .
At the forefront of Abu Dhabi ’ s response to the pandemic , Hashemi explained that this technology was vital to facilitate government-coordinated containment processes such as testing and contact tracing .
Quick to adapt to the challenges posed by the pandemic , Abu Dhabi was able “ to do this by doubling down on research and development , investing in healthcare technology and digital platforms , engaging in global partnerships , strengthening human capital in the sector and advancing healthcare services through a patientcentred approach ,” says Hashemi .
Utilising RPA and wearable technology in healthcare Robotic process automation ( RPA ) is proving an invaluable tool for the healthcare industry as it removes the need for people to complete mundane , repetitive tasks , allowing them to focus on those that are more critical .
By automating these tasks , RPA can help build and retain an engaged workforce by filling their days with enriching , highvalue tasks . Shepard explains that “ due to inefficient and outdated systems and operating models , most healthcare staff are having to spend significant amounts of time dealing with mundane and repetitive process-driven work ”.
92 April 2022