AI Magazine April 2022 | Page 76

President and Chief Product Officer , Nayaki Nayyar , says the phenomenal growth of Ivanti over the last two years is rooted in vision and strategy
President and Chief Product Officer , Nayaki Nayyar , says the phenomenal growth of Ivanti over the last two years is rooted in vision and strategy

When current President and Chief Product Officer , Nayaki Nayyar , joined Ivanti in 2020 , the US-based IT Software company had few existing products to manage and secure devices .

While the company had strong patch management , endpoint management and some capabilities in service management , the reality was that “ in each of the pillars that Ivanti was playing in , it did not have the depth and the strength to be top two or top three in those markets ,” said Nayyar .
One of Nayyar ’ s first tasks over two years ago was to help Ivanti put together a very strong vision and strategy . She helped the company to look of itself in the mirror and ask questions of itself : ‘ Where are we heading ? Where are we going ?’.
The result was a refreshed mission around the ‘ Everywhere Workplace ’, accelerated by the global pandemic , and a vision for Ivanti Neurons Automation Platform to Discover , Manage , Secure , and Service IT assets from Cloud to Edge .
Working in an addressable market of 30 billion , the aim was now to double this figure and work towards a 60 billion addressable market .
Charting through a period of high growth Under Nayyar ’ s leadership , the vision , the strategy and the growth for Ivanti ’ s three main product pillars , along with its flagship Ivanti Neurons automation platform , has achieved significant success over the last 12 to 18 months .
76 April 2022