AI Magazine April 2022 | Page 112

AI and the Zettabyte era Along with Data Gravity and the influx of data-connected devices that are generating information for enterprises , businesses also need to address challenges brought about by the Zettabyte era .
The way devices connect with each other , the way data flows is changing and enterprises are beginning to feel the effects - particularly as the impact of the internet of things ( IoT ) becomes more significant
By 2025 , connected devices alone will generate an estimated 79 zettabytes of information . If you take into consideration that , in 2016 , the entire volume of all data on earth amounted to just 18 zettabytes , the scale of this growth becomes astounding .
Commenting on this , Loake said : “ The data decade is dramatically reshaping lives , reinventing the way we work and live . IDC predicts 175 zettabytes of data worldwide by 2025 . Leveraging that data , identifying patterns and deriving value from it is critical for enterprises .”
This is where AI comes into play : the technology has the ability to transform the way we gather , store , and use data and , as a result , enables businesses of all sizes to answer bigger questions and make more discoveries , as well as keep up with the pace of change of competitors .
“ As the volume of data grows , organisations need to find a way to effectively manage and process that data ,
112 April 2022